At this time Natural law has been divided into two main areas; the law of man and the law of Nature which is said to define what where and how things happen around us. This in turn relates to most modern views of the so-called natural Law, the definition of which is still an enigma to this day even with all the sciences and theological bodies that try to define and give meaning to it. Analyzing religion from all sides, we have a common fact in that all of the sects/groups have a single being at the top, Jesus for the Christians, Muhammad for the Muslims, Buddha for the Shinto and so on and so forth.
Summing all of this up, the term “Natural Law” is still a vague yet seemingly defined concept that causes us to go back to the questions our ancient forefathers asked themselves, why are we here, how does the world and nature work out as it does and what may be the future for us in this ever-changing universe which “Natural Law” controls but whose true meaning is still out of grasp. Many philosophical and scientific genius have defined it but to look back, their definitions lead to more questions rather than answers. Science as we know it is an evolving body of knowledge and Philosophy as well is such that both have a common function, which is to give us reason, a reason to find ourselves in our place in this time and space and time of thinking as we evolve into the future human race. No one authority should claim supreme authority for man is a thinking being capable of creating his own view from what is happening which makes the task ever more difficult. The true definition of Natural Law might be out of reach but we are all embodiments of the said law however incomprehensible and vague it may be.
Originally posted on January 8, 2008 @ 3:45 pm