Behind the scene, the then Prime Minister held meetings with heads of states and religious leaders and figures as he planned his exit form the British government. Much so is his belief in the idea that religion is the way politics would go that he has launched a faith foundation to study the implications and fundamental ideas behind such a concept. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are hard and deadly and he has come to the realization that the battle must be won through the hearts and minds of the enemy and not thought war. He has shown some regret in his support of the war alongside the US which has also suffered blows to their war philosophy. Their aim to bring freedom to the oppressed peole of Afghanistan and Iraq has turned into a battle between the invaders and the invaded with the people fighting for their very existence as they find it hard to accept the concept of democracy.
Policy has shifted again and again and once criminal groups were turned into allies as the war progressed. The problem in the wars was so great that it was hard to trust anyone, even those who worked with them in the streets and battlefield. Informants, ordinary people and religiously motivated people under hard lined Islamic fundamentalists work with and then against their former allies who worked and fought hard to get them freedom they thought they deserved. As a result of this oversight, clerics with their own desires for rule commanding insurgents that take the battle to their former allies.
This is what Mr. Blair aims to study and understand, how to educate people that religion is the key to solving some of the world’s most pressing issues such as hunger, global warming and other issues that need addressing now otherwise this earth of ours may not last much longer for future generations who would have to live in a wasteland due to our decisions today.
Originally posted on May 25, 2008 @ 2:47 pm