The moves of scientists to decode and unravel the secrets of the human genome have long been debated for the ethical implications of such scientific actions aims to discredit some validity of the mystery of life. If you look at the religious explanation for life, it was created by a supreme being that deemed us as the dominant creature of this earth. Scientifically, they say that we are the result of millions of years of evolution whereby we have evolved from lesser creatures such as microbes who developed into ever complex organisms leading to us, Homo sapiens or the human race.
This is why Darwin was scorned by the church when he came up with the idea that people evolved from chimps and everybody knows that he was scorned then but praised now as one of the most prominent minds to ever grace this earth. If that were the case, then the separation between religion and science should always be defined and infinite meaning morality and other issues are not to influence the definition of either as time progresses. Philosophers know that people have the ability to bend the rules should a need for it be found and that does not say that the bending has been going on for as long as man has survived on this earth. Even the existence of God has been challenged again and again.
Then when does the poking and experimenting with genetics and the ability to add or subtract traits that allows plants to become more productive, animals to have better health and more. The promises of genetics are good indeed, growing organs from cells rather than transplants and the lifelong drugs to keep the immune system from rejecting the transplanted body part. But how far can we go before it becomes morally wrong, a whole human being? Life is filled with mysteries and it still is, that is the main driving force for such scientific research. Let us place this in simpler terms, would you rather have a flower opening and showing off its full glory and beauty or the opening and closing is due to molecular actions that results in a process that makes reproduction for plants to commence? You choose your rules, your world, and your life!
Originally posted on May 28, 2008 @ 3:10 pm