Corporations have fallen and heads have rolled, there is an ever increasing decrease of ethics in the United States according to many experts. They have noted the recent problems associated with Enron, Adelphia and Barry Bonds where people placed themselves before the common good resulting in much discomfort to may investors and giving the money market a shakedown resulting in inflation. Another problem with the system is that these events go very much unnoticed becoming apparent only when whistle-blowers pull the plug and reveal the problem. The justice system has enforced strict penalties on the culprits but many answers remain unanswered such as why and how such dastardly acts were even allowed to happen in the first place.
Educators have placed the blame on the inability of the education system to include more education in the area of ethics making the new generation think that they can do and get away with just about anything. The liberal ideas of the founding fathers were conceptualized for a reason, freedom. The freedom of expression and just about anything else that serves to restrict that right to exercise your rights to do anything you want to. But, there is a but in the fray which is the law or the rules and regulations that define our society without which there would be no freedom. The young generation have grown too accustomed to liberty without being reminded that one has to abide by laws that govern behavior. These may become evident as more and more teens get in trouble with the law simply because they fear no one and that they believe they have the right to do anything they please.
Originally posted on January 20, 2008 @ 3:31 pm