The damage has been done and what we are doing with either supporting these types of work is either to fuel the fire that is already raging between all races and religions making it burst into a conflagration that might spell our end. The Danish government’s reply to the outcry of Muslims is outrageous and is a sign that better relations and understanding between people from all over the world should be at the main agenda of the UN, where even the Secretary General has received fire for his statements towards the said cartoon.
The root was a cartoon but the implications are far reaching than the pages of the newspapers they were printed on. I am a Roman Catholic and how would you feel if Jesus was in that cartoon instead of the Prophet Muhammad, or the great Buddha for Shinto’s? the effects might be too hard to quell and such insensitiveness to issues like these which are so trivial and could have been avoided in the first place fuels the rage and anger of young Muslims who have been educated in radical Moslem thinking infusing violence into the spreading of the word of the prophet as part of the whole deal. I am not a Muslim but I feel affected by such insensitiveness which was done just for fun or the right to express ones self. You be the judge, should the said cartoons have been allowed to go on to the presses again and again? Or should the media have recognized its role in the protection of the rights of those who might be affected by the fallout of such short sightedness?
Originally posted on March 10, 2008 @ 5:01 pm